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CURRY, Daniel William
(Abt 1844-) |
CURRY, Daniel William 1 2 3
- Born: Abt 1844, Indiana
- Marriage: UNKNOWN, Nancy A. about 1869 in Perry, Clay County, Indiana
Daniel married Nancy A. UNKNOWN about 1869 in Perry, Clay County, Indiana. (Nancy A. UNKNOWN was born about 1846 in Indiana.)
1860 US Census (Perry, Clay County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William L. Curry (age 41, b. IN), wife Louisa (age 37, b. IN) and children Daniel (age 15, b. IN), Hiram (age 10, b. IN) and Lucy A. (age 6, b. IN), living in Perry, Indiana. William is listed as a "farmer."
1850 US Census (Perry, Clay County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William Curry (age 29, b. IN), wife Elizabeth (age 28, b. IN) and children Daniel (age 5, b. IN) and Hiram (age 2, b. IN), living in Perry, Indiana. Also in the household is Rosanna Feril (age 58, b. KY), who may be Elizabeth's mother. Living two houses away is Walter Feril and family, who is probably Rosanna's son. William is listed as a "farmer." Also living in Perry at this time is William's father, Elias Curry.
1880 US Census (District 238, Perry, Clay County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Daniel Wm. Curry (age 34, b. IN), wife Nancy A. (age 33, b. IN), and son Oscar (age 10, b. IN), living in Perry, Indiana. Daniel is listed as a "farmer." Living nearby is Daniel's sister, Lucy Green, and their parents, William S. and Louisa Curry. Also living nearby is Daniel's brother, Hiram, and his family.