(1833-) |
SLOMAN, Mary 1 2
Twin to Martha. |
1 Sloman Family Bible (Owned by descendants of Henry Sloman [1870 - 1930's]). Surety: 4. James Sloman born - July 27th, 1788 -- Harriet Sloman born March 3rd, 1800 -- Harriet Sloman born October 8th, 1819 -- Ann Maria Sloman born Sept 1st, 1821 -- James G.E. Sloman born Oct 25th, 1823 -- Anna Sloman born July 31st, 1828 -- John Sloman born March 1st, 1831 -- Martha Sloman born Oct 9th, 1833 -- Mary Sloman born Oct 9th, 1833 -- Frank [Francis] Sloman born Oct 11th, 1836.
2 1841 England Census (District 2, Wiveliscombe, Somerset County, England). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists James Sloman (age 50, b. Somerset Co.), wife Harriet (age 40, b. Somerset Co.) and children Harriet (age 20, b. Somerset Co.), James (age 15, b. Somerset Co.), John (age 10, b. Somerset Co.), Martha (age 5, b. Somerset Co.), Mary (age 5, b. Somerset Co.) [erroneous, the girls are about 7 years old at this time] and Francis (age 5, b. Somerset Co.), living on Perry's Farm in Wiveliscombe, England. James is listed as a "farmer."
3 St. Andrew's, Somerset Parish, Wiveliscombe Baptisms, Registry #199. Surety: 4. Record indicates a baptism of Mary Sloman, 25 Dec 1833, in Wiveliscombe; daughter of James and Harriet Sloman; James is listed as a "yeoman." Note is made that Mary is a twin, and her birthdate is listed as 8 Dec 1833. Her twin sister, Martha, was baptized on the same day.
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