SAGE, Galetsa Finetta 2
![]() Galetsa married Henry JOHNSTON on 12 Dec 1860 in East Oxford, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada.1 (Henry JOHNSTON was born about 1830 in Burford, Brant County, Ontario.) |
1 Ingersoll Daily Chronicle (Ingersoll, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. In East Oxford, at the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, 12th inst., by the Rev. John Bredin, Mr. Henry Johnston of Burford to Miss Galetsa F., daughter of Seymour Sage, Esq.
2 Ibid. Surety: 4. DEATH NOTICE: OXFORD'S OLDEST NATIVE RESIDENT--Woodstock Express: Seymour Sage, the oldest native born resident of Oxford, passed away at 10 o'clock, on Saturday night, after 95 years of life. For many years Mr. Sage had been looked upon as a remarkable example of vigorous old age. As he reached the 90 mark and passed it his friends remarked with a good deal of satisfaction that he not only retained his mental faculties, which were acute, but also the evenness of temper which always characterized his life. At 95 years of age he was a fairly rugged man, possessed of mental as well as bodily rigor, and until a short time ago gave promise of becoming a centenarian. A man who has lived nearly a hundred years in one district must necessarily have had his influence on its development. It was in the township of West Oxford [township], he was born in 1808. Later he moved over to East Oxford [township] and settled on the old homestead on the Old Stage Road, near Vandecar. In 1833 He married a daughter of the late John Clarke. He continued to live on the homestead all his life, until old age, compelled him to give up active work, when he came to Woodstock and took up residence with his daughter, Miss Ida, Beale Street, with whom he was living when he died. Mr. Sage was a man of many fine qualities and was respected by everyone who knew him. He was always a man of quiet and retiring tendencies and never sought public service. He was a life long Methodist. The children are: Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. T___? in California; Orlando in San Francisco; Edwin, West Oxford [township]; Mrs. H. Peers and Mrs. A. Peers, East Oxford [township]; and Miss Ida, Beale Street, this city.
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