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1880 US Census (Eagle Point, Ogle County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jerome Holroyd [spelled Halroyd] (age 33, b. IL), wife Clara [Marble] (age 24, b. IL) and children Emma (age 5, b. IL), Ella (age 3, b. IL) and Minnie (age 10 mos, b. IL), living in Eagle Point, Illinois. Jerome is listed as a "laborer," and note is made that he is disabled at this time with a "dislocated hip." Jerome indicates that his father was born in Washington, D.C. and his mother in Indiana. Clara indicates that her parents were both born in New York. Living next door are Jerome's parents, Joseph and Emit Holroyd, and his brother, Homer. Living on the other side is Mason MacPherson and his wife Mary L. [Shoemaker], who is the daughter of Pearson Shoemaker and Jerome's cousin.