HOLROYD, Jerome B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Jerome served in the Civil War from December 1863 to August 9, 1865, serving as a private, Company C, 15th Regiment, Illinois. He was captured and imprisoned in Georgia in early 1864, spending the remainder of the war as a POW. He appears on the 1890 Census Veteran's Roll, living in Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska. An application for widow's pension by Clara E. Holroyd dated August 30, 1921 is filed in the state of Missouri. Their son, Leonard, was living in St. Joseph, Buchanon County, Missouri at that time, in the household of his wife's parents, so presumably Clara lived with him briefly after her husband's death. ![]()
• Military Service: U.S. Civil War - Union, Dec 1863, Stephenson County, Illinois. • Prisoner Of War: Captured, 1864, Andersonville. Source: Andersonville Prisoners of War • Release from Prison: Released as part of prisoner exchange, 1 Apr 1865, Andersonville. • Military Discharge, 9 Aug 1865, Illinois. • Military Award: Distinguished Service, 1865. ![]() Jerome married Clarisa E. MARBLE, daughter of Martin Mariet MARBLE and Betsey LOWELL, on 24 Dec 1873 in Green County, Wisconsin. (Clarisa E. MARBLE was born in Jun 1855 in Illinois, died after 1921 in Gage County, Nebraska and was buried in Pleasant View Cemetery, Gage County, Nebraska.) |
American Civil War Soldiers. Surety: 4. Jerome B. Holroyd
Residence: Elkhorn, Illinois
Service Record:
Enlisted as a Private on 01 January 1864.
Enlisted in Company K, 15th Infantry Regiment, Illinois on 01 January 1864.
Transferred Company K, 15th Infantry Regiment, Illinois on 20 July 1864.
Transferred in Company C, Vet Battn Regiment, Illinois on 20 July 1864.
Transferred Company C, Vet Battn Regiment, Illinois on 24 March 1865.
Transferred in Company C, 15th Infantry Regiment, Illinois on 24 March 1865.
Mustered out Company C, 15th Infantry Regiment, Illinois on 09 August 1865.
Wife, Clara, received Civil War Pension.
2 1850 US Census (Mill Creek, Jo Daviess County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Joseph Holroyd [sp. Hallroid] (age 29, b. D. Columbia), wife Emmit [Shoemaker] (age 24, b. IN) and children Jerome (age 3, b. IL), Milton (age 1, b. IA) and Emmeline (age 4 mos, b. IL), living in Mill Creek, Illinois. Joseph is listed as a "farmer." Also in the household is Emmit's brother, William Shoemaker (age 17, b. IA), who is listed as a "laborer."
3 1860 US Census (Lancaster, Grant County, Wisconsin). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Joseph Holroyd (age 39, b. Maryland), wife Emmit [spelled Emet] (age 39, b. IN) and children Jerome (age 13, b. IL), Emmeline (age 10, b. IA), Alvina [Ervilla] (age 8, b. IL), Javilla (age 7, b. IL), Homer (age 5, b. WI) and Alice C. (age 3, b. WI), living in Lancaster, Wisconsin. Joseph is listed as a "farmer."
4 1880 US Census (Eagle Point, Ogle County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jerome Holroyd [spelled Halroyd] (age 33, b. IL), wife Clara [Marble] (age 24, b. IL) and children Emma (age 5, b. IL), Ella (age 3, b. IL) and Minnie (age 10 mos, b. IL), living in Eagle Point, Illinois. Jerome is listed as a "laborer," and note is made that he is disabled at this time with a "dislocated hip." Jerome indicates that his father was born in Washington, D.C. and his mother in Indiana. Clara indicates that her parents were both born in New York. Living next door are Jerome's parents, Joseph and Emit Holroyd, and his brother, Homer. Living on the other side is Mason MacPherson and his wife Mary L. [Shoemaker], who is the daughter of Pearson Shoemaker and Jerome's cousin.
5 1900 US Census (Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jerome Holroyd (age 53, b. Jul 1843, IL), wife Clara (age 44, b. Jun 1855) and children Lulu (age 18, b. Aug 1881, IL), William (age 14, b. Oct 1885, NE), Cora (age 9, b. Dec 1890, NE), Pearl (age 6, b. Sep 1893, NE) and Leonard (age 4, b. Mar 1896, NE), living in Beatrice, Nebraska. Jerome and William are both listed as "laborers."
6 1890 US Census Veterans Schedule (Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jerome Holroyd, living in Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska.
7 1855 Wisconsin State Census (Lancaster, Grant County, Wisconsin). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Joseph Holroyd and his family, living in Lancaster, Wisconsin.
8 Application for Civil War Pension (Illinois). Surety: 4. Application for Civil War Pension, Jerome B. Holroyd. Invalid: 11 Apr 1865. Death: 30 Aug 1821. Widow: Clara E. Holroyd.
9 1870 US Census (Loran, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jerome B. Holroyd (age 22, b. IL) [as head of household], parents Joseph G. Holroyd (age 49, b. Wash, DC), wife Emit [spelled Emerit] (age 49, b. IN), and siblings Evilla [Ervilla] (age 17, b. IL), Homer M. (age 15, b. WI) and Allice (age 13, b. WI), living in Loran, Illinois. Jerome B. and Joseph G. are listed as "farmers." Living a few houses away is Emit's sister, Margaret [Shoemaker] Grigsby, and her family.
Andersonville Prisoners of War (Ancestry.com). Surety: 4. Surname: J.B. HOLROYD
Company: C
Regiment: 15
State: IL
Death Date: Unk 0, 0
Remarks: EXCHANGED APRIL 1, 1865
Page: 0
More Information: NO
Code: 54122
Grave: 0
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