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![]() GALLOP, John (Captain ) (Abt 1593-1650) |
GALLOP, John (Captain ) 1 2
Although I have provided the ancestral lineage of John Gallop as argued by John D. Gallop [History of the Gallup Family in the United States, 1893], researchers should be cautioned that subsequent examinations of the documents used by Gallop to support this lineage have brought his conclusions into serious question (please see the comments attached to the John D. Gallop citation). I would caution fellow researchers who plan to use the John D. Gallop citation to note that his conclusions regarding this lineage are only speculative and are considered by some to be erroneous. ![]() John married Christobel BRUSHETT on 19 Jan 1618 in St. Mary's Church, Bridgeport, Dorset, England. (Christobel BRUSHETT was born in 1592 in Mosterton, Dorset, England and died on 27 Sep 1655 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.) |
Anderson, Robert C., The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-33 (Robert Charles Anderson. The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633. Vol. 1-3. Boston, MA, USA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995.
), p. 725-728. Surety: 4. JOHN GALLOP
ORIGIN: Bridport, Dorsetshire
OCCUPATION: Fisherman. Mariner. "John Gallop hath written to some of your neighbors for twelve doz. of cod lines, if he provide them and bring them to you I pray deliver him this bill," 4 July 1632.
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: "John Gallop fisherman" admitted to Boston church 5 January 1633/4.
FREEMAN: 1 April 1634 (as third in a group of six Dorchester men).
EDUCATION: Son Nathaniel could write most imaginatively, but John made his mark to his will.
ESTATE: On 8 September 1636 there are "twelve acres of land granted to John Galop, upon Nixes Island, to enjoy to him and his heirs forever, if the island be so much". John Gallop was granted forty-nine acres in the allotment at Rumney Marsh and Pullen Point in 1637.
In his will, dated 20 December 1649 and proved 9 February 1649[/50], "John Gallop of Boston" made "my wife whole executor" and directed her to distribute the following bequests: to "my son John Gallop my now shallop"; to "my daughter Joane" my heifer; "my two youngest sons shall employ my bark the first year after my decease wholly for their mother & after one year to have two thirds for themselves and one third for their mother; "my wife" to have the use of livestock and after her death equally divided among "my two youngest sons Samuell Gollop & Nathaniel Gollop, if they are obedient children, but if they are rebellious, then my wife to have liberty to dispose of all as she shall think good; if one son die before their mother, all to remain to the other; to "John Joy my daughter's son" £5 at age twenty-one and if he die then to "his brother Joseph"; 40s. to the building of the new meetinghouse.
The inventory of "John Gallupe" was taken 26 February 1649[/50] and totalled £311 10s. 8d., including real estate valued at £120: "one house and ground lying in Boston," £100; "Gallupe's Island containing about sixteen acres," £12; and "four acres of meadow," £8.
In her will, dated 24 July 1655 and proved 31 October 1655, "Christovell Gallop, being in perfect memory though weak in body," bequeathed to "my son John Gallop half my money which is about £15" with some moveables, including "a great Bible"; "half my wearing clothes I do give Hannah my son John Gallop's wife"; to "my daughter Joane Joy" the other half of the money, the other half of the wearing clothes, and other moveables; and to "my son Sam[ue]ll Gallop & my son Nathaniell Gallop" the residue to be equally divided between them. The inventory of the goods of "Christobell Gallop deceased" was taken about December 1655 (undated) and totalled £36 14s. including no real estate.
BIRTH: By about 1593 based on date of marriage.
DEATH: Boston January 1649/50. "Goodman Gallop is dead of a great griping in his bowels" (letter of Adam Winthrop to John Winthrop Jr. from Boston, 10 February 1649/50.
MARRIAGE: Bridport, Dorsetshire, 19 January 1617[/8] Christabell Brushett. "Christovell Gallopp the wife of our brother John Gallopp" was admitted to Boston church 22 June 1634. She died at Boston 27 September 1655.
i JOAN, bp. Bridport 20 September 1618; m. by 1637 Thomas Joy.
ii JOHN, bp. Bridport 25 January 1620[/1]; m. by 1644 Hannah Lake, daughter of John and Margaret (Reade) Lake.
iii WILLIAM, bp. Bridport 4 August 1622; predeceased his father, evidently unmarried.
iv FRANCIS, bp. Bridport 27 July 1625; bur. there 18 November 1625.
v SAMUEL, bp. Bridport 16 August 1629; m. Boston 20 January 1650[/1] Mary Phillips.
vi NATHANIEL, bp. Bridport 16 August 1629; m. Boston 11 June 1652 "Margaret Eveley [Eveleth]", daughter of Sylvester Eveleth.
vii JOHN, bp. Bridport 11 July 1630; presumably died young, since John calls Samuel and Nathaniel his "two youngest sons."
COMMENTS: On 4 July 1632 John Winthrop wrote "I have much difficulty to keep John Galloppe here by reason his wife will not come. I marvel at the woman's weakness that she will live miserably with her children there, when she might live comfortably here with her husband. I pray persuade and further her coming by all means: if she will come let her have the remainder of his wages, if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his children, for so he desires: it would be above £40 loss to him to come for her".
Later letters make it clear that John Gallop was a coastal trader, moving up and down from Maine to Connecticut, carrying goods for the Winthrops and others. In July of 1636 John Gallop played a crucial role in the events leading up to the Pequot War. On a trading voyage to Long Island, Gallop came upon the boat of John Oldham, which had been boarded by Indians, who killed Oldham. Gallop took countermeasures, as a result of which several Indians were drowned.
He and his supplies were very gratefully received by Roger Williams at "New Prov~idence" about June 1637. He saved the wife of Mononotto and the wounded Indians with her, coming "in a happy hour, to bring them victuals, and to carry their wounded men to the pinnace where our chief surgeon was ..." during the Pequot war about July 1637.
William Hook at Agamenticus, 28 January 1639/40, spoke ill of him, by reference to "this poor man the bearer hereof which hath been much damnified by the master of Gallop's pinnace. Sir I leave the matter unto the party to relate unto your worship. To my knowledge hath carried himself here amongst us very shamefully, the master and Gallope['s] son too, invited some of our neighbors aboard his pinnace and made them drunk and drunk themselves too".
Many sources state that John Gallop resided briefly in Dorchester but we may doubt that he ever lived there. The one reference in Dorchester records to a "Mr. Gallup" pertains to Humphrey Gallop. The one record that may indicate Dorchester residence is puzzling. As noted above, when he is made freeman John Gallop appears as the fourth name in a sequence of six men, all the rest of whom are from Dorchester. But Gallop had just been admitted to Boston church a few months earlier, and he was certainly residing at Boston at this time. Perhaps he did set down in Dorchester for a time, but it cannot have been for long.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1960 John Dorrance Morrell published some parish register extracts which demonstrated that the immigrant was from Bridport, Dorsetshire. Gerald Parsons examined the same records more thoroughly and in 1993 published an article which extended and revised the work done by Morrell.
In 1950 Louis Effingham deForest prepared a comprehensive sketch of the immigrant, quoting at length from several sources [Bainbridge Anc 82-97 (the section on English ancestry has been superseded and should be ignored)]. In 1966 the Gallup Family Association published a genealogy which treats the descendants of this immigrant [Darwin C. Gallup and Josephine Middleton Peck, Gallup Genealogy: Gallop, Galloup, Galloupe, Gallupe (n.p., 1966)].
Gallup, John D., The Genealogical History of the Gallup Family in the United States; also Biographical Sketches of Members of the Family (Press of the Hartford Printing Company: Hartford, CT. 1893), p. 17-19. Surety: 3. John Gallop, the ancestor of most of the families of that name in this country, came to America from the parish of Mosterne, County Dorset, England, in the year 1630.
He was the son of John Gollop, who married _____ Crabbe, who was the son of Thomas and Agnes (Watkins) Gollop, of North Bowood and Strode, and whose descendants still own and occuy the manor of Strode.
He was thirty-three years old at the time of the visitation of Dorset, 1623.
He married Christobel, whose full name does not appear, and careful research has failed to discover it.
He sailed from Plymouth, England, March 20, 1630, in the ship Mary and John, arriving at Nantasket, now Hull, May 30th. His wife and children following in 1633.
He went first to Dorchester, but was soon after a resident of Boston. He was admitted to the First Church, January 6, 1634. His wife, Christobel, June 22, 1634. He was made a freeman in April of same year. "He was one of the earliest grantees of land at the northerly part of town, where he had a wharf-right and house." The locality was known by the name of Gallup's point, and was the southeast part of the peninsula, at the north end of the town.
We find his name first in the town records in 1636, on page 10, where occurs the following entry: "Item: It is ordered that John Gallup shall remove his payles at his yarde ende within 14 days, and to rainge them even with the corner of his house, for the preserving of the way upon the Sea Banke." This was probably the origin of Middle street -- now known as Hanover street. Extract from an article in Boston Transcript, April 13, 1883, by James H. Stark.
He owned Gallup's Island, where he had a snug farm, with a meadow on Long Island, a sheep pasture on Nix Mate, and a house in Boston.
He was a skillful mariner, well acquainted with the harbor around Boston, and in the habit of making frequent trading expeditions along the coast in his own vessels. One of these expeditions was made forever memorable by the encounter of the murderers of his friend, John Oldham.
After the settlement of Rhode Island and Connecticut, his vessel furnished about the only means of communication between the two colonies. At one time there was considerable anxiety in the Rhode Island colony, for John Gallup was delayed in his trip. Soon after, Roger Williams writes Governor Winthrop, beginning in this manner: "God be praise, John Gallup has arrived."
He achieved great distinction by piloting in the ship Griffin [from England], a ship of 300 tons, in September 1633, through a new found channel, when she had on board the Rev. John Cotton, the Rev. Thos. Hooker, Rev. Mr. Stone, and other fathers of New England among her two hundred passengers. Besides these, it is supposed that Mr. Gallop's wife and children were on board.
In this connection, an extract of a letter written by Governor Winthrop to the Rev. John White, of England, referring to John of Masterne, will be enjoyed:
"I have much difficultye to keepe John Gallup here, by reason his wife will not come. I marvayle at the woman's weaknesse. I pray, persuade and further her coming by all means. If she will come let her have the remainder of his wages; if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his children, for so he desired. It would be about 40 [pounds] losse to him to come for her.
Your assured in the Lord's worke,
J. Winthrop
Massachusetts, July 4, 1632"
Possibly, Governor Winthrop's pleasure, that the "woman's weaknesse" had been overcome, enabling her to join her husband, prompted the gift of Gallup's Island in commemoration of the successful piloting, by her happy husband, of the ship which bore her and so many distinguished ones safely into Boston Harbor.
. Many compilations are found which provide an ancestry in England for John GALLUP of Boston, MA. However, such claims likely all have their roots in John D. Gallup's Genealogical History of the Gallup Family in the United States (1893), in which English pedigrees were quoted in support of the claim that John GALLUP of New England was son of John GALLUP and Mary CRABBE of Mosterne, Dorset, England.
Charles Wilson Allen obtained a copy of the subject pedigree and found it had been mis-quoted, publishing his "Gallop Genealogy: Corrections" in Apr. 1963 [NEHGR 114:151-52] and concluding that the claimed Gallup ancestry in England "is not substantiated by this or any other document known to me."
The Gallup ancestry search continues, with Gerald James Parsons' "John Gallop/Gollop of Bridport, Dorchestershire, England, and Boston, Massachusetts" [TAG 68:1 (Jan. 1993), pp. 11-13] detailing the available records, including the marriage of John GALLUP and Christabell BRUCHETT and the baptism of their seven children at St. Mary's Church, Bridport, Dorchestershire, England. Parsons also concluded that "no other records needed to determine John Gallop's parentage and/or his relationship to the other Gollops in Bridport were located."
Available material concerning John GALLOP is reviewed in The Great Migration Begins, Volume II, by Robert Charles Anderson (1995), pp. 725-28, and the Bridport records are included in the article on John GALLOP. In commenting on another publication, the author states that "the section on English ancestry has been superseded and should be ignored." All that is known of the immigrant's birth is that he was born "By about 1593 based on date of marriage."
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