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(1785-Bef 1860) |
CRARY, Amy 1 2
- Born: 12 Sep 1785, Connecticut or Maine
- Marriage: PARK, Benjamin J. about 1812 in Hancock County, Maine
- Died: Bef 1860, Searsport, Waldo County, Maine
Another name for Amy was Emma.
Amy married Benjamin J. PARK about 1812 in Hancock County, Maine. (Benjamin J. PARK was born on 27 Apr 1784 in Rhode Island 3 and died in 1872 in Searsport, Waldo County, Maine.)
1800 US Census (Prospect, Hancock County, Maine). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Joseph Crary (age >45, b. bef. 1755), wife [Lucy Bentley] (age 26-44, b. 1755-1773) and children: 2 sons (age 10-15, b. 1784-1790) [Joseph Bentley & Oliver], 1 son (age <10, b. 1790-1800) [Henry], 1 daughter (age 16-25, b. 1774-1883) [Hopestill], 1 daughter (age 10-15, b. 1784-1790) [Amy] and 1 daughter (age <10, b. 1790-1800) [Lucy or Hannah], living in Prospect, Maine.
1850 US Census (Searsport, Waldo County, Maine). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Benjamin Park (age 66, b. RI), wife Emma [Amy Crary] (age 65, b. ME) and children Arzelia (age 30, b. ME), David (age 28, b. ME) and John C. (age 18, b. ME), living in Searsport, Maine. Benjamin is listed as a "farmer." Notation is made on this census that all three children are "idiotic."
Rhode Island Births, 1636-1930 (Compiled by Ancestry.com from state vital records.) Surety: 4. Name: Benjamin Park
Parent 1: John Park
Parent 2: Abigail Park
Birth Date: 27 Apr 1784