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YORK, Hopestill
(1734-Bef 1770) |
YORK, Hopestill 1
- Born: 24 May 1734, Charlestown, Washington County, Rhode Island 2
- Marriage: CRARY, Oliver Esquire on 16 Mar 1756 in Westerly, Washington County, Rhode Island
- Died: Bef 1770, Connecticut
- Buried: prob. Avery Cemetery, Ledyard Center, New London County, Connecticut
General Notes:
First of three wives of Oliver Crary. It appears that Hopestill and her family were members of a small community of Protestant colonists living in Westerly, Rhode Island. Church records indicate that some sort of split occurred in the community church, wherein a deacon and nine members (including the York's) requested a separation from their church and permission to found a new church. The controversy appears to have arisen following the outbreak of small pox in the community and the treatment of one of the victims of the disease, although the details are unclear.
Hopestill married Oliver CRARY Esquire, son of Robert CRARY and Elizabeth, on 16 Mar 1756 in Westerly, Washington County, Rhode Island. (Oliver CRARY Esquire was born in 1731 in Voluntown, New London County, Connecticut, died on 26 Aug 1806 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut 3 and was buried in Aug 1806 in Avery Cemetery, Ledyard Center, New London County, Connecticut.)
Unknown, Genealogies of R.I. Families, Volume II, Extracts from the Presbyterian Church Records of Westerly, R.I. (Rhode Island Historical Archives), page 686. Surety: 4. "June y 2, 1751 - being Lords day & after public worship was ended, a number of the brethren of the church offered the following memorial and petition to the church.
May y 29, 1751 Westerly & Charlestown
To ye Rev Pastor & brethren of ye Rev Sir & dear brethren,
We whose names are hereunto affixed having entered into solemn covenant bonds with you to watch over each other & by no means to suffer sin upon one another, have had a great sense of ye vows of God upon us, & seeing many of our brethren & some of ye principal of ye flock, neglecting of ye work of God, & (as we apprehend) unmindful of their covenant vows, have from a sincere regard to ye glory of God & the edification of His saints, dealt faithfully with them from time to time. But we have been misunderstood & misrepresented by them all along to our inexpressible grief & discouragement, & there is such darkness between us as gives no hopes of its being ever otherwise, which makes our covenant bonds intolerable. And we not daring to make a schism in ye body of Christ, but desiring to keep ye faith & order of ye gospel, do earnestly desire a peaceable & regular dismission from our Special covenant relation to you, & to be recommended to ye grace of God & to the communion of ye Churches of Christ in Special ordinances, wherever God in His Providence shall call us, or cast our lot, or to be a distinct church, if the Lord should open a door for it.
Dec. Ezekiel Gavitt, Christopher Sugar, Amie Gavitt, Ruth Sugar, Anna York, Hopestill York, Stanton York, Abigail Parke, Jemima York, Lois Ross, Hannah Stanton York"
Rhode Island Births, 1636-1930 (Compiled by Ancestry.com from state vital records.) Surety: 4. Name: Hopestill York
Parent 1: Stanton York
Parent 2: Jemima York
Birth Date: 24 May 1734
Avery Cemetery (Transcription of tombstone). Surety: 4. "In memory of Oliver Crary Esq. who died 26 Aug 1806, aged 75 years."