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![]() CRARY, Oliver Esquire (1731-1806) |
CRARY, Oliver Esquire 1 2 3 4
Married to 1)Hopestill York, 3/16/1756, Westerly, Rhode Island, 2) Eunice Brewster, 11/8/1770, and 3) Mrs. Mary Gallop, 3/14/1802 ![]() Oliver married Hopestill YORK, daughter of Hanson Stanton YORK and Jemima SHAW, on 16 Mar 1756 in Westerly, Washington County, Rhode Island. (Hopestill YORK was born on 24 May 1734 in Charlestown, Washington County, Rhode Island,6 died before 1770 in Connecticut and was buried in prob. Avery Cemetery, Ledyard Center, New London County, Connecticut.) ![]() Oliver next married Eunice BREWSTER on 8 Nov 1770 in New London County, Connecticut. (Eunice BREWSTER was born about 1741 in Prob. Connecticut, died on 20 Oct 1800 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut and was buried in Oct 1800 in Avery Cemetery, Ledyard Center, New London County, Connecticut 7.) ![]() Oliver next married Mary UNKNOWN-GALLUP on 14 Mar 1802 in New London County, Connecticut. (Mary UNKNOWN-GALLUP was born about 1740 in Prob. Connecticut, died on 19 Jan 1819 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut and was buried in Jan 1819 in Preston City Cemetery, Preston, New London County, Connecticut 8.) |
1 The Compendium of American Genealogy, 1600s-1800s: Volume V, Lineage Records, page 402. Surety: 4. "Oliver Crary (1781/82-1840), of Voluntown; m. Hopestill York (b. 1734; Stanton, m. Jemima)"
2 1790 US Census (Windham, Windham County, Connecticut). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 2. Lists Oliver Crary [spelled Carey] (age >16, b. bef. 1773) and family: 1 son (age >16, b. bef. 1773) and 2 females (ages not given, may be wife and daughter or two daughters), living in Windham, Connecticut.
3 1810 US Census (Preston, New London County, Connecticut). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Oliver Crary [spelled Crarey] (age >45, b. bef. 1764), third wife [Mary Gallup] (age >45, b. bef. 1764), and family: 1 son (age 10-16, b. 1793-1800), 2 sons (age <10, b. 1800-1810), 1 daughter (age 10-16, b. 1793-1800) and 1 daughter (age <10, b. 1800-1810), living in Preston, Connecticut. Oldest son and daughter are likely a married child and spouse, and younger children are probably grandchildren.
Dewey, Louis Marinus Esq., Peter Crary of Groton, Conn. and Some of His Descendants, Vol. 1, p. 494. Surety: 4. 2. Robert² (Peterı) Crary lived at Groton, Conn., and married _________.
5. i. Christopher³, b. about 1713.
6. ii. William, b. about 1715.
7. iii. Robert, b. about 1717.
iv. Aaron, b. about 1719; d. before Dec. 4, 1781; a captain; m. at Griswold (Preston), Apr. 8, 1756, Mary Stanton.
8. v. Benjamin, b. about 1723.
9. vi. George, b. about 1725.
vii. Oliver.
viii. Christobel, m. at Plainfield, Aug. 21, 1751, Nathaniel Marsh.
ix. Lucy.
5 Avery Cemetery (Transcription of tombstone). Surety: 4. "In memory of Oliver Crary Esq. who died 26 Aug 1806, aged 75 years."
Rhode Island Births, 1636-1930 (Compiled by Ancestry.com from state vital records.) Surety: 4. Name: Hopestill York
Parent 1: Stanton York
Parent 2: Jemima York
Birth Date: 24 May 1734
7 Avery Cemetery (Transcription of tombstone). Surety: 4. "Wife of Oliver Crary Esq. - in the 60th year of her age"
8 Preston City Cemetery Transcription (Unverified source). Surety: 4. "Relict of Oliver Crary, Esq. - aged 79"
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