CRARY, Mary Polly Witter 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Second wife of Cyrus Cunningham. ![]() Mary married Cyrus CUNNINGHAM, son of Unknown CUNNINGHAM and Unknown, on 4 May 1814 in Kirtland, Geauga County, Ohio.1 (Cyrus CUNNINGHAM was born in 1789 in Massachusetts, died on 30 Aug 1862 in Madison Twsp, Lake County, Ohio and was buried in Aug 1862 in North Madison Cemetery, Lake County, Ohio 11.) |
Geauga County Ohio Licenses and Marriages (Geauga County GenWeb site: Surety: 4. CRARY, Mary
Marriage Date: 04 May 1814
Vol: A
Page: 57
Township: Kirtland
2 1810 US Census (Geauga, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Chistopher Crary, his wife and children, early settlers of Ohio.
3 North Madison Cemetery Inscriptions, Madison Twsp., Lake County, Ohio, Section NW, Row 1, Grave 24. Surety: 4. Mary Witter Crary, wife of Cyrus Cunningham, died March 5, 1858, aged 70 years 2 mos.
4 1850 US Census (Madison, Lake County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Cyrus Cunningham (age 62, b. Massachusetts), wife Mary W. (age 63, b. CT), and children Octavia (age 29, b. OH), Adelia (age 26, b. OH), and Emily (age 21, b. OH), living in Madison, Ohio. Cyrus is listed as a "farmer."
5 1800 US Census (Partridgefield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Christopher Crary (age 26-44, b. 1765-1785), wife Mary [Witter] (age 26-44, b. 1765-1785) and children: 1 son (age 10-15, b. 1785-1790) [Erastus W.], 1 son (age <10, b. 1790-1800) [Oliver Augustus], 1 daughter (age 16-25, b. 1774-1785) [Mary Witter], 1 daughter (age 10-15, b. 1785-1790) and 3 daughters (age <10, b. 1790-1800) [Lucy, Estelle and Sarah], living in Partridgefield, Massachusetts.
6 1790 US Census (Partridgefield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Christopher Crary (age 16+, b. bef. 1774), wife [Mary Witter], and children: 1 son (age <16, b. 1775-1790) [Erastus W.] and 2 daughters [Mary Witter and Abigail Polly], living in Partridgefield, Massachusetts. The ages of women were not included on this census. However, only two of Christopher's daughters were born before 1790.
7 1840 US Census (Madison, Lake County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4
8 1820 US Census (Madison, Geaugua County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Cyrus Cunningham (age 26-45, b. 1774-1794), wife [Mary Witter Crary] (age 26-45, b. 1774-1794), and children: 1 son (age <10, b. 1811-1820) [Edwin] and 1 daughter (age <10, b. 1811-1820) [Amanda], living in Madison, Ohio. Living next door are three brothers, headed by brother Artemus Cunningham (age 26-45, b. 1774-1794), and his family. Living two doors away is brother Nabby Cunningham (age 16-26, b. 1795-1804).
9 1830 US Census (Madison, Geaugua County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Cyrus Cunningham (age 40-49, b. 1780-1789), wife [Mary Witter Crary] (age 40-49, b. 1780-1789) and children: 1 son (age 5-9, b. 1820-1824) [Edwin], 1 daughter (age 10-14, b. 1815-1819) [Amanda], 2 daughters (age 5-9, b. 1820-1824) [Octavia and Ardelia] and 1 daughter (age <5, b. 1825-1830) [Emily], living in Madison, Ohio.
10 Barbour, Connecticut Town Marriage Records, Barbour Collection (Preston Vital Records Part I - 1687-1850), p. 73. Surety: 4. Polly [Crary], d. [Christopher & Polly], b. Dec 14, 1786.
North Madison Cemetery Inscriptions (Lake County Ohio Genealogical Society website
Sec NW, Row 1, Stone 24). Surety: 4. Cunningham monument: [ SW side] Cyrus Cunningham/ Died/ Aug. 30, 1862./ Aged 73 yrs. 6 mos./Cunningham [small stones] [W corner] Father [N corner] Mother [E corner] Edwin [S corner] Hannah. Tall lt. gray limestone obelisk in center of plot set on point with 4 small headstones - one to each corner.
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