CRARY, Nancy Moriah 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Although Nancy is believed to be born in Preston, Connecticut, she consistently lists her birthplace as Massachusetts on census records. As she herself is the source of this information, I would tend to believe that her birthplace was Massachusetts. ![]() Nancy married Thomas WHELPLEY, son of Thomas WHELPLEY and Mary Polly ABBOTT, on 1 Jan 1832 in Geauga County, Ohio.1 (Thomas WHELPLEY was born on 22 Mar 1797 in Massachusetts and died after 1870 in Monroe County, Michigan.) |
1 Geauga County Ohio Vital Statistics (Geauga County, Ohio), Vol B, page 208. Surety: 4. Whelpley, Thomas to Crary, Nancy on 1 Jan 1823 in Geauga County, Ohio.
2 Unknown, Ohio County and Family Histories, 1780-1970: Pioneer Women and The Western Reserve, Kirtland, Lake County (Ohio Historical Archive), Pioneer Women of The Western Reserve, Kirtland, Lake County: page 780. Surety: 4. "Another daughter, Nancy, married Thomas Whelpley. She was of a literary turn of mind, and wrote many things for publication."
3 1810 US Census (Geauga, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Chistopher Crary, his wife and children, early settlers of Ohio.
Whelpley, Nancy M., Unknown (Ohio Historical Archives). Surety: 4. We take the following from a manuscript prepared by N.M. Whelpley [formerly Nancy M. Crary], and kindly furnished us by Mr. C.G. Crary. It furnishes an account of the senior Crary and family's introduction to their wilderness home.
'We took the old Chillicothe road, which had been traversed scarcely at all, except by cattle and wild beasts. The trees on either side were so interlaced as to form a canopy overhead, which rendered it quite romantic, but gloomy. We forded the Chagrin River without difficulty, and supposed our worst fears removed, but on going a little further our wagon broke, and night was fast closing around us. Mr. Crary unhitched his team, which he drove before him, taking his youngest child in his arms. His wife took the other by the hand, and the writer brought up the rear. Our way was dark and intricate, and the canopy of branches above, which had but recently been so beautiful, served now to hide the light of the stars from us. But the katydids cheered us with their ceaseless music. The latter part of our way we had no road, and nothing to guide us except marked trees, which, of course, were useless in the darkness. My father and the oxen knew the way, and we finally arrived there long after midnight, footsore and weary. A bright fire was burning near the cabin - a necessary protection against the bears and wolves. Our beds consisted of hemlock boughs, which were, perhaps, better appreciated than beds of down might have been under other circumstances. The winter of 1812 was the coldest that had been known for many years. At the time we had no neighbors on our side of Chagrin River, and, to crown the gloom of those melancoly days, one of our number died [Erastus' daughter, Rebecca Marie]. We had to send twelve miles for a physician, who arrived too late, and there was no clergyman nearer than the Harpersfield settlement. Those, indeed, were dark days.'"
5 1850 US Census (Frenchtown, Monroe County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Thomas Whelpley (age 53, b. MA), wife Nancy M. (age 44, b. MA) and children Helen (age 14, b. OH) and Florence (age 6, b. MI), living in Frenchtown, Michigan. Thomas is listed as a "lawyer."
6 1870 US Census (Monroe Ward 1, Monroe County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Thomas Whelpley (age 73, b. MA), wife Moriah [Nancy M. Crary] (age 66, b. MA) and children Hellen (age 30, b. OH) and Moriah (age 23, b. MI), living in Monroe, Michigan. Thomas is listed as a "civil engineer." Daughters Hellen and Moriah are both listed as a "teacher."
7 1860 US Census (Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Thomas Whelpley [spelled Whepley] (age 66, b. Cincinnati, OH [erroneous]), wife Nancy [Crary] (age 55, b. MI [erroneous], and children Ellen [Helen] (age 21, b. OH) and Florence (age 16, b. MI), living in Monroe, Michigan. Thomas is listed as a "surveyor." It is possible that this information was provided by one of the daughters, which may account for the errors.
8 1820 US Census (Kirtland, Geauga County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Christopher Crary (age 45+, b. bef. 1775), wife Mary [Witter] (age 45+, b. bef. 1775) and children: 1 male (age 16-26, b. 1794-1804) [could be Oliver or Christopher], 2 males (age 10-16, b. 1804-1810) [Ebenezer and William] and 2 females (age 16-26, b. 1794-1804) [Sarah and Nancy], living in Kirtland, Ohio. At this time, Kirtland is part of Geaugua County. It will later become part of Lake County.
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