MEILLEUR, Florence 1
The 1910 US Census is the only official record in which Florence appears. She died of influenza during her novitiate at St. Nicolas convent in Chicago at the age of 16. ![]()
• Religion: Novitiate, 1915, St. Nicolas Covent, Chicago, Illinois. 2 • Cause of death: Spanish Flu, 1916, Chicago, Illinois. 3 |
1 1910 US Census (Burt Township, Alger County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Lists Oliva (age 35), wife Ada (age 32), daughter Florence (age 7), son Raymond (age 5), son Paul (as Emmanuel, age 3), son Charles (<1), and daughter Agnes (as Mary A., age <1), living in Alger County. Oliva is listed as a "sawyer" for a "sawmill." This is the only census record known in which their daughter, Florence, appears. She died just nine years later as a novetiate at a convent in Chicago, Illinois. This is also the only official record found that lists their son, Paul, by his given name, Emmanuel. By the 1920 census, he is called Paul, and legally changed his name as an adult.
2 Sister Mary Philip Frank, Biography Sister Madeline Therese Meilleur (Florence Meilleur) (Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Sierra Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan 49221). Surety: 4. This lovely record of Florence's life includes copies of an essay she wrote in the seventh grade, her obituary, and a detailed chronicle of her short life as an Adrian Sister. Sister Mary Philip wrote a thoughtful and moving tribute, including memories of the sisters who knew Florence and a detailed account of her last hours.
3 Ibid, Spanish Flu. Surety: 4
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